Hedgehogs are in trouble – although urban populations appear to be rallying, their rural cousins are not. We need to help our local hedgehogs wherever they are. Can you become a Hedgehog Champion?
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To find out more –
- Hedgehog Street: https://www.hedgehogstreet.org/ – have you seen a hedgehog, dead or alive? Please add your sighting to the Big Hedgehog Map.
- British Hedgehog Preservation Society: https://www.britishhedgehogs.org.uk/ – there is lots of advice here – and a great Hogalogue catalogue to explore.
- Schools Mind the Gap Hedgehog Information Leaflets Contents List: Hedgehog Information Leaflets Contents List – Tayside Biodiversity
- Can you help make Tayside a safe Hedgehog Highway for our spiny friends? Link your garden with a hedgehog highway (hedgehogstreet.org) – let us know if you are working (or would like to work) with your neighbours to make this a reality: caglloyd@pkc.gov.uk
- Free resources for developers, schools, farmers and individuals: 🛠 Toolkits to get started – Hedgehog Street
- Read more about the State of Britain’s Hedgehogs – State of Britain’s Hedgehogs: population trends and conservation strategy – Hedgehog Street